Length of wall X Height of wall = Square footage of wall
Square footage of wall X 1.125 = Number of block required
Example: 120' X 24' = 2,880 Sq. Ft. X 1.125 = 3,240 block
Modular Block
Square footage of wall X 7.00 = Number of brick required
Example: 120' X 24' = 2.880 Sq.Ft. X 7.00 = 20,160 Brick
Masonry Cement
30 Bags of masonry cement per thousand block
Example: 3,240 divided by 1,000 = 3.24 X 30 = 97.2 (98 bags)
8.5 Bags of masonry cement per thousand brick
Example: 20,160 divided by 1,000 = 20.16 X 8.5 = 171.36 (172 bags)
Masonry Sand
3.5 Tons of sand per thousand block
Example: 3,240 divided by 1000 = 3.24 X 3.5 = 11.34 tons
1 Ton of sand per 1000 brick
20,160 brick divided by 1,000 = 20.16 tons
Wall Reinforcing
Number of Block X 1.34 divided by 2 = Lineal Feet at 16" OC (Every 2 courses)
Number of Block X 1.34 divided by 3 = Lineal Feet at 24" OC (Every 3 courses)
Block Fill
12" Block - Number of Block X .37 divided by 27 X 1.05 = Cu. Yds.
8" Block - Number of Block X .28 divided by 27 X 1.05 = Cu. Yds
6" Block - Number of Block X . 26 divided by 27 X 1.05 = Cu. Yds.
Masonry Fill Insulation
12" Block - 13 - 4 cu. Ft. Bags per 100 Sq. Ft. of wall
8" Block - 7 - 4 cu. Ft. Bags per 100 Sq. Ft. of wall